Sunday, October 3, 2010

A New/Old Neighborhood

A little less than one mile from the VA Footprint, another new streetscape is cropping up, one comprised of houses that once occupied Lower Mid-City.  The houses are all in various states of rehabilitation on the new sites (all of them await the replacement of their roofs, which had to be taken off to get under streetcar, electric, and other wires).  But the variegated architectural fabric that's taking shape between the old General Cleaners and Dyers Laundry Building and the re-emerging Lafitte redevelopment looks like it could be an existing historic New Orleans streetscape.

All told, six houses now populate the block on N. Rocheblave, just off the proposed Lafitte Greenway.  They are, from far left to near right below according to former address:

325 S. Galvez; 232-34 S. Miro; 233 S. Galvez; 237 S. Galvez; 2411 Palmyra Street; and 324 S. Rocheblave.

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