Thursday, October 14, 2010

A Resident of the VA Footprint Speaks Out

You get a sense of just how unjust the state's move to cut utilities in the near future will be:

Yes, someone from Bright Moments brought around a flyer saying this today. It said the utilities would begin to be removed on Oct 18. The person wasn't sure if the utilities could be cut off between the 18th and 28th or not. The flyer states to call the Volkert office for more info and lists the phone number. While we were talking to the Bright Moments guy Lloyd Eberhardt from Volkert drove by and stopped. He claimed they have no info about this and was just informed today by the State that this is happening. They don't know what's going on either. The best info we could get was that generators and gas propane tanks would be provided at some point but no info on who to contact or who would do it or how. No one seemed to know about phone, water or internet service. At the same time that utilities are being cut off two residents are still waiting on the response of their appeal. The appeal results were supposed to be back in 10 days - tomorrow is going on a month with no response. Another resident is waiting on the check so he can move into his new rental.

How can the site be turned over when residents still have 90 days from the appeal response to find a new home?

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