Friday, July 29, 2011

A certain shade of shady

It appears that "NOLA Renewal Group LLC" is trying to acquire a number of larger parcels just outside the VA Hospital Footprint by way of acquisitive prescription (similar to "adverse posession" in common law states.  The lots are the site of a series of warehouse-type buildings, 2537 Tulane Avenue (above) being the largest, that were linked to the Dixie Brewery building below S. Rocheblave by an elevated connector until a few months ago.

I believe this particular LLC, which is not in good standing with the state according to the Secretary of State's website - and which has a different listed address than the one on the sign posted on one building) was also involved in the controversial demolitions of the "Treme" houses on S. Derbigny in Hoffman Triangle.

It appeared back in the spring that the LLC was trying to sell properties on S. Derbigny.  And then the entire demolition spat erupted.  The buildings were demolished, except for one.  A man who appears to be Larry Jackson, listed as a director of the LLC, also showed up at NCDC at one point and sought demolition for the remaining corner building at Washington and S. Derbigny.  The presentation was strange.

Here's the data from the Secretary of State's website - note that it's not in good standing and lists a Harvey address - not the Poydras address that appears on the sign above:

I wonder what's going on.  Acquisitive prescription is spelled out in Louisiana law - and the timelines involved make me think the LLC is not thinking about the "replacement acreage clause" in the MOU (or maybe it is...the sign didn't appear, to my knowledge, until after my post on replacement acreage went up).  But given the circumstances - for one, the total assessed value on 2537 Tulane is over 1 million dollars - this deserves some sunshine. 

This whole thing came to my attention when I noticed that the properties had suddenly been cleaned up a bit - weeds cut, trash picked up, etc. - in recent days.


Anonymous said...

So do you think they are going to knock em down then sit on the land?

Anonymous said...

Sooo.... what's your point? what's so shady about an investor buying up property? And the report states "failure to file an annual report" so he failed to file paperwork on time. So what?!

daytraitors said...
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Anonymous said...

What's shady is the way Larry Jackson and his partner John Davidson are going about "stealing" these properties from the owners. Are they blighted? Sure, likely. Should the owners take care of the properties better? Sure. But, they are trying to circumvent the process of the Sheriff's sales and navigate through the courts to pick these up before they get to the public auctions. By sneaking into small loopholes in the system and bribing judges, they are basically getting the properties for nothing, making little investment, and trying to flip them later for a profit. Basically, they are attempting to steal the land.

The disputes that this causes in the title work only serve to make the process harder for the current owners and the prospective new owners to sell the properties. Because of clouded titles, no one wants to pay to maintain the property or cover the taxes. These two guys need to be stopped.