Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Greek Revival - ish

The camelback that once stood at 2411 Palmyra is being restored on N. Rocheblave in its new location across from the Lafitte Redevelopment.  The house next to it, formerly the many-windowed camelback on S. Rocheblave, has its roof back on already.

Neither house appears to be getting a camelback in their new incarnations.

As the cellphone photo above shows, crews began to build up a reproduction of the elaborate and iconic Greek Revival cornice that the house once sported.  I'm not sure why the original isn't being used (or maybe it is going to be slipped over the wooden framing) because I thought it went along inside the house as it was moved.

At any rate, the house was not demolished entirely.  And there's clearly an effort to pay homage to the most distinctive characteristics of the homes.

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