Friday, February 11, 2011

Statements on today's moving of the S.W. Green Mansion

Here are a few takes on today's moves. If you have any others, please send them along or put them in the comments:

"I'm absolutely's such a spectacular vision...but it's bittersweet, because I still feel horrible that so many people lost their homes."

- Architect Kenneth Bryant, the prime mover in the effort to recognize and save the S.W. Green Mansion

"The National Trust for Historic Preservation is pleased to see the S.W. Green Mansion being moved today. Saving this important part of New Orleans' African American heritage is a positive development, and the National Trust is glad to have been part of the process that led to the recognition of this overlooked historic building. It is encouraging to know that future generations will be able to learn about S.W. Green's accomplishments and the societal hurdles he faced because the home he built is an integral part of his story. We applaud the fact that the S.W. Green Mansion is being saved, and we trust that the structure will be adequately secured as it awaits the final move to its destination lots across the street from the staging site."

- National Trust for Historic Preservation

"I do not recall the Smith W. Green House being mentioned at any time during the 106 review. Neither do I recall any member of the SHPO ever speaking at any of the 106 meetings.

Had it not been for concerned and engaged citizens and writers who called attention to this magnificent structure, the Smith W. Green house would have been bulldozed without comment just like its neighbors. It is ONLY because of citizen engagement that the SHPO was put in a position where the historic merits of the structure could no longer be conveniently ignored or filtered through contractors."

- Anonymous, a long time observer of the LSU/VA hospitals project

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