Thursday, March 3, 2011

In the past 24 hours or so


1.  The S.W. Green Mansion rolled across S. Rocheblave to its lots at Banks and S. Rocheblave.  It's barely going to fit.  It's situated on an angle, and it will have its back toward the VA hospital.

Across the way, the pavement about 15-20 feet up Banks from the former intersection of S. Rocheblave had been intentionally pounded by machinery and broken up - how much more of Banks is going to be removed?  It's no longer possible to turn around at Banks and S. Rocheblave.  Due to the neutral ground, one can go no further than S. Dorgenois.

2.  Stephen Hilger presented some photos of Lower Mid-City to a large crowd at Tulane in the afternoon - and noted that he's putting together a book.

3.  Two of the final three houses on the VA Footprint were moved to the corner of S. Galvez and Canal, down from their locations on Cleveland Avenue.

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