Wednesday, April 13, 2011

UMC Street Revocation Advances

The state/UMC doesn't have the money, but the city is nevertheless on its way to giving up the streets.

Mr. Jerry Jones illustrated yesterday that he will say just about anything to force this hospital into being. 

Thankfully, Mr. George Amedee, the lone vote against revocation, asked a number of skeptical questions...and very clearly wasn't satisfied with the non-answers he got.

The City Council must still approve the CPC action for revocation of the streets to be ordained.

It was good to see that a CPC proviso, added to the measure by staff, requires the state to preserve McDonogh No. 11 School in place or move it.  So our efforts on that front have paid off.  Unfortunately, the measure said nothing about requiring the state to move houses off the site - and another shotgun was demolished along Palmyra yesterday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Forty years ago, the same sorts of things were being said about H.E.A.L. and the Core Area Development District.