Tuesday, April 12, 2011

City Planning Commission Hearing Today - Oppose Revocation of the Streets

City Council Chambers
1:30 PM

Reasons to oppose revocation of ALL the streets in the UMC Footprint as the state proposes:

- They don't have the money
- They don't need all of the streets right now even if they did have the money (much of the site is only for vague potential future expansion)
- There are still ongoing legal issues with the Blood Center and the Orleans Parish School Board
- It is unclear whether historic homes and McDonogh No. 11 School will be saved
- A U.S. Senator is now openly opposing additional federal support for the project, saying it's too risky
- The UMC business plan has yet to be completed
- The state has planned a "groundbreaking" on April 18 - without evening knowing if it will get street revocation approved by the CPC and the City Council
- If the state is now looking at scaling back the project, then why not retrofit Charity Hospital, as has been suggested as a viable alternative all along?

Tell the City Planning Commission to vote no on the state's request to revoke the streets in the UMC Footprint.

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