Tuesday, March 16, 2010

And So It Begins

LSU strikes inside the footprint, using expropriation to take the former City Hall Annex building at Canal and Rocheblave:

Since early 2006, the massive City Hall Annex building has been owned by 2400 Canal LLC, a partnership led by lawyers Robert Evans and Cesar Burgos. But on Thursday, Louisiana State University filed quick-take papers and deposited $3.7 million in Orleans Parish Civil District Court, immediately transferring title to the state under its expropriation law.

The land will eventually be turned over to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs for a new VA Hospital, proposed to take shape alongside a new LSU hospital complex, said Kent Parsons, the lawyer handling expropriations for the state.

Strangely, the piece of property seized is in the VA hospital footprint - that lends some credence to the argument of the former owners that LSU is acting impermissibly under state law as an agent for the city in making a transfer to effectuate the city's MOU with the VA for site preparation.

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